Moraitis Mock Trials

Moraitis Mock Trials

Fifty students of Gymnasium, Lykeio, Pre-IB and IB1 participated in the role play online Mock Trials hosted by the Lawyer Portal on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th February. Using the knowledge of UK Law which was covered during the preparation sessions by Ms Anastasopoulou (teacher of English and Law), the trials followed the legal procedures of a UK County Court. In each trial, which was based on an actual case, the prosecution team of lawyers examined witnesses to the crime. Defence lawyers cross examined the witnesses, building their case for the defence. The jury in each trial had a very difficult task to come to a verdict for the defendant on each of the charges! 

Congratulations to all the participants, who built the tension of a real courtroom drama through their convincing role playing and excellent use of legal terminology and effective questioning skills.